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PROJECT: iris - Software by Metamorph, for you

We’ve been working with small businesses to create high-quality marketing content for over nine years. While we love doing this, we’ve also learnt that the best stories and knowledge (potential marketing gold) are found in the minds of the people within your business. Large numbers of people we often don’t get to meet.

That is why we are developing IRIS…

Our simple yet novel tool will enable you to gather all the undiscovered, latent marketing content sitting within your teams across the organisation. All they need to do is contribute.

Our skilled marketing team, or yours, can then polish their contributions and publish finished content at just the right time.

All user contributions will remain categorised and searchable in your firm’s own “story library” for future use, whether client-facing or internal only.

Why not have your own people author your stories, share your knowledge and reveal your visions for the future?


Save on marketing expenditure

Reallocate your budget for outsourced marketing content production towards incentivising and rewarding usable contributions from your own people.


Increase content effectiveness

Our theory is that your people will produce more authentic, trustworthy and therefore effective marketing content. Not to mention share it personally!


Engage your community of staff and customers

Routinely asking your people for their opinions, stories and ideas is a great way to cultivate a “contribution mindset” beyond their jobs.


How IRIS works

Firms with an in-house marketing team

We empower rather than undermine. The in-house marketing team can use our tool to discover and screen potential marketing content and even entire campaigns from within their own communities.

In just four simple steps, they will have all the user-generated content they need.

  1. Post ‘briefs’ requesting contributions from your people (e.g. text, photos and videos) on a wide range of topics

  2. As deadlines approach, review contributions or send nudges for any unfinished work

  3. Finish by editing or piecing together different contributions

  4. Publish and credit your authors for maximum exposure!

FIRMS without an in-house marketing team

Our team at Metamorph Marketing can roll out IRIS throughout your firm. We will act as your internal marketing team and use the tool to source and publish on-brand content as frequently as you need.

With our help, your firm will have all the user-generated content you need.

  1. A planning phase will help ensure a strong content strategy is in place, aligned with your broader growth plans

  2. Our team will post the briefs for all types of user-generated content

  3. We will review contributions and send nudges for any unfinished work

  4. We will finish the work by editing and remixing contributions

  5. We or you will publish finished work!


Easy briefing template

Admins provide briefs along with all the important info your people will want to know.


Filtered brief dashboard

Your people can view all the briefs in one place, start working now or save them for later.


Detailed user briefs

They can respond to briefs of their choosing and also offer unsolicited content whenever they wish.


iris rewards

With IRIS, you’re not just adding to the workload of your team. Each business is able to develop their own point-based reward system, with different incentives at each stage - monetary or not.

As part of onboarding, we are happy to work with you to design a unique rewards program that plays to the particular strengths of your organisation.

If you’ve ever wished your people would advocate your brand a little more - stop wishing and start equipping them to do this in a fun and rewarding way!
— Shahe Momdjian, Founder & Director

Book a free demo 

If you’re interested in trialling our first version in 2021, please leave your details below. We’ll be in touch to book a no-obligation Zoom call demonstrating IRIS and exploring the considerable opportunities it may offer your organisation.